Southfield Junior School


Year 6

2023-2024 E-Safety Term 1

We started off the year with Internet Safety - Cyberbullying.

The children discussed how to use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly.  They learned how to recognise acceptable and unacceptable behaviour and a range of ways to report concerns.

William Morris 

The children were tasked to draw a design in the style of William Morris using Natural Art.  This was a lot harder than they anticipated but they really made a good job of it.  They were able to make use of the 'symmetry' tool which helped with their designs.  

Design by Faith

Design by Evie


Digital Science - Communication and collaboration

We started this topic by looking at Internet addresses and why it is important to have agreed protocols.  The have been looking at IP addresses and the rules (protocols) that computers have for communicating with one another.  We have also been learning about the role of the Domain Name Server (DNS) which translates web addresses into IP addresses.

This week the children have been learning how messages, images, videos and audio are transferred over the internet.  They have gained an understanding of the key parts of a 'packet' and have learned how to write messages using the 'header' (IP address) and the' message' (data payload).

Working together via the internet is now more relevant than ever as more jobs allow people to work from home. We looked at ways of working collaboratively online and the children paired up with a friend to complete a joint PowerPoint presentation on a country of their choice.  They both worked on the same project then emailed each other to create one final presentation.

Country Presentation   Click the link to see the PowerPoint collaboration by Lois and Beth.

This week we looked at another approach to online working but first we drew a picture for 3 mins by hand.  The picture was passed to someone else who for 3 mins continued working on the drawing.  The outcomes were varied.  We decided that this was a very limited way to share work.


We then talked about the bounds of copyright and what that entailed.  We used Scratch online, which allows learners to use other people's work and to modify it.  They had a lot of fun doing this. 

Well done Cameron for this excellent collaboration.



E-Safety - Term 2

The children have been learning how to identify secure websites.  They understand that they need to use technology safely and responsibly and what to look out for to help keep them safe.  They looked a examples of webpages and looked for warning signs of unsecure/fake or fraudulent websites.  They know now to look out for the 'lock symbol' and 'https' in the address bar to check for security and to check the privacy policy too.

Creating Media - Webpage Creation

Using Google Workspace for Education, we used Google Sites to create a website with web pages on the topic of Queen Victoria.

We looked firstly at what makes a good website and we reviewed existing websites and evaluated their content.  We looked at the HTML code that websites are created by and the children had great fun editing websites.  Obviously these changes can't be saved, but fun none the less!

'Fair use' and 'copyright' issues were discussed and the children learned the need to use only copyright-free images in their work.

They set out a detailed plan for the structure of their website, paying attention to the navigation paths (how the pages are linked together).  They then created multiple web pages for their site and used hyperlinks to link the pages together.

The children looked at the implications of linking to content owned by other people to their website.  Then they sent links to each other via the school email (secured site) so that they could view each others work.

E-Safety  - Term 3

This term we looked at People Online.  How safe is it to be online?  Why would you have an online friend?  How do we know who we are talking to?  What information is ok to share?  We discussed all of these issues and more.  Then we discussed what some of the dangers of revealing personal information could be.  The  children were able to identify ways that they could keep themselves safe when chatting online and what to do if someone says or asks something that they are not comfortable with.

Variables in Games - Scratch

The children have been looking at examples of real-world variables (score and time in a football match) They have been learning that all variables are named and that they can have letters as well as numbers. Also, that they can only hold a single value at a time.  They completed an unplugged task to demonstrate the process of changing variables.

They have been creating simple games in Scratch and adding variables.  The project below shows that each time the ball touches the green paddle the score (variable) goes up by 1 point.

Well done Jacob, brilliant coding.

Now the children have been applying the concept of variables and operators to enhance their game.  They have been adding different sprites and changing the speed at which they fall.  Then they have added sounds to bring it to life.

 Fantastic start to your game Rhydian.

Each week the children have been enhancing their games, some have even created  two player games!  They have been adding different variables such as timers, scores and misses.  Once they finished today they were able to try out each others games and evaluate them.


 Digital Photography - Paint.Net

The children are learning all about World War II and so in ICT we have been discussing the significance of the red and purple poppies.  They have been taking images, layering them, changing the colour then removing the top layer to reveal the colour below.  I am sure you will agree it has a very striking effect.

Beautiful work Cameron.

Stunning picture Elorm.

The children have been layering two different pictures then changing the opacity to show the picture underneath.  This provides and amazing effect, which is very thought provoking.

Excellent photo Emily B

Amazing work Hugo.


Topic Work - World War II

In English the children have been writing 'Diary Entries' and 'A Declaration of War'.  Today the children used a variety of programmes to display their work.  Here are just a couple.


E-Safety -  Term 4

 This term we have been looking at Stereotyping.  The children were asked to draw and name a person in different occupations.  A DR, a nurse, a mechanic and a fire fighter.  It was interesting that the majority of the children drew male figures for each except for the nurse who they drew as a woman.  They were then given words to sort into categories of 'boys' and 'girls' or 'both' .  We watched videos and had some amazing discussions.


Data and Information  -  Introduction to spreadsheets

The children have been learning how to collect and organise data in a format of their choice.  In groups of 6 they threw a dice 5 times each and recorded it .  They took this data and entered it into a spreadsheet and added formulas to calculate totals.  They made their data presentable then created a bar chart.

Year 6 are now investigating the use of formatting in a spreadsheet.  We looked at cell references, data items, and the concept of formatting cells.  The children discussed and took notes of how they came to school.  They then typed it up in Excel and formatted their spreadsheet accordingly using plain text, date, number, duration and currency formatting.

We have progressed onto calculating data using the operations of multiplication, subtraction, division and addition.  The children have been using these operations to create formulas in  spreadsheets.  We have also been using Sigma to calculate the sum and the average.




The children were tasked with planning and calculating the cost of a party for their class using Excel.  They used a predefined list to choose what they wanted to include in their event.  They were reminded of the importance of organising their data and used a range of formulas to work out costs.

 E-Safety - SMARTbots

The children have been reminded of the SMART acronym, to help keep them safe online. They looked a scenario cards and decide which of the SMARTbot's buttons should be pressed in each situation.  Then they created posters to remind other children in school about what these letters stand for.

Creating Media - 3D Modelling

 Today the children were introduced to the concept of 3D modelling.   They also examined shapes from a variety of views which gave them a different perspective.  The children were given two 3D shapes and sat at different angles to the shapes then drew what view they had.  They then compared this will their partner.

Well done Emily and Jemima.

Using a programme called Tinkercad, the children created a range of 3D shapes which they learned how to select and move.  They also resized objects in three dimensions and learned how to recolour them.  They had fun creating basic houses.