Welcome to the Year 3 and 4 ICT page.
Scroll through to see what your children have been up to in their weekly Computing lessons.
Term 3 E-Safety - Keep it to Yourself
Can a picture move?
That was the question put to the children. We looked at simple animation techniques in the style of flick books. Then we discussed Stop Frame Animation using a lot of pictures (frames) to create an animation. The children learned about the importance of a storyboard when planning an animation to help them remember what to do with the backgrounds and characters.
They worked in groups of 3 to put together a simple storyboard with a beginning, a middle and an end for their animation on a part of the story 'Stone Age Boy' where Om and the Boy enter the cave.
Term 2 Programming A - Sequencing Sounds in Scratch
For their final lesson the children used all their new coding skills to create a band. Each of the band members either played a musical instrument or sang. When they had finished we showcased them on the board. Each instrument played on a repeat block and they all finished at the same time.
The children created a musical instrument in Scratch. They copied code from one sprite to another and then tested to see if they worked. We had some beautiful tunes on their pianos.
Lovely coding Arya, Year 4.
Lovely coding work Daisy, Year 3.
Combining motion and sounds in one sequence, the children created their own project. They also changed costumes to alter the appearance of their spites and backdrops. They had lots of fun creating their projects. At the end of the lesson we watched several on the board.
We explored different sequences with sound and looked at how they are implemented in a simple program. They experimented with sequences where order is and is not important. They used different musical sprites to create their version of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. We all agreed that the saxophone was by far the best.
The children were introduced to the concept of sequences by joining blocks of code together. They also added event blocks to start their projects in a variety of different ways.
We have been creating movement for more that one sprite and introducing new motion blocks. Then we predicted which blocks had been used to make a sprite move, this will help when the children need to debug a programme.
The children were introduced to Scratch, a block based coding platform. They explored the programming environment and are now able to identify and add sprites and backdrops and they can add commands to make the sprite move.
Children who had already used Scratch, enhanced their algorithms accordingly.
Well done Hope Year 3.
Well done Heera Year 4.
Term 2 E-Safety - To Buy or not to Buy
Our children were exploring websites today to look at toys they would like for Christmas and birthdays. We discussed different types of advertising and where they could see it and how effective they thought it was. Then we discussed targeted advertising, and how companies use websites to promote their products.
We discussed the use of personal information and spoke about speaking to a trusted adult if we were unsure. We also looked at what to spot to see if a website was secure or not secure.
Term 2 E-Safety - Being a Digital Citizen
Arms, one of the six Digital Citizen characters! Arms explores the meaning of media balance and why it's important to balance our time online so that we have time to do all that we love.
Guts explores what it means to be safe on the internet, sharing three simple rules for doing so.
Term 1 E-Safety - Cyberbullying
The children have been learning about Cyberbullying and what to do if it happens to either themselves or a friend. They have been talking about using technology safely, respectfully and responsibly and how to recognise acceptable and unacceptable behaviour. They have also been talking about a range of ways to report concerns to.
Zoe - Year 4
Charlotte - Year 3
Term 1 Digital Science - Computing systems and networks
What is a digital device? Ask one your your children and they should be able to tell you! We have been learning about concepts of input, process and output. They have also been learning how to protect devices using secure passwords. These concepts are fundamental to all digital devices.
What parts make up a digital device?
Today we looked at the relationship between inputs, processes and outputs and how they apply it to devices and parts of devices they use everyday.
The children invented and designed a device and chose inputs and outputs then explained how their process worked.
The children completed two pieces of work with the same focus using digital devices to create one piece and non-digital tools to create the other. They had lots of fun creating these and all had different ideas about which they found easier. They compared and contrasted the two approaches.
We introduced the concept of connections and moving information between connected devices. The children looked at how we are all connected to other people and how these connections create a personal network. We then explored how and why computers are joined together to form computer networks.
How are computers connected? Today, we introduced key network components, including a server and wireless access points. The children went into groups and role-played a network of computers with a switch.
Using the key vocabulary in today's lesson, the children matched the words with the definitions.
To recap on the children's understanding of computer networks they used Word to type up information and add pictures about the parts of the network that we use in school. They all did a fantastic job.