Southfield Junior School



Year 3/4 Classes

Our three Year 3/4 classes are called Willow, Sycamore and Cherry. The Children are taught by Miss Alder, Mrs Vallis and Miss Ayres and supported by Mrs Barber, Mrs Stewart, and Mrs Thorman.

During PPA each week, the children are taught by Mrs. Law for specialist computing lessons in which they learn about, practice and apply different I.T. skills to complement in-class learning. The children also learn about e-safety. During this time, they are also taught Art and French by Mrs Richardson and taught RE by Mrs White. 

PE is on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons.

Curriculum Maps  2023-24

Please see the PDF below that outlines the content of the children's learning by term. 

TERM 1 & 2 Curriculum Map - Technology Through Time

TERM 3 & 4 Curriculum Map - Tomb Raiders

TERM 5 & 6 Curriculum Map - Here We Are

Term 5 & 6 - Here We Are

This term year 3/4 have been very excited to learn all about the local area of Highworth, During a walk they learned all about its geographical location and many intriguing historical facts. Using their new found knowledge of 6 figure grid references they were able to locate many local features on a map and had a fantastic time orienteering outside. 


The children have also taken great pride in producing leaflets that showcase how fantastic Southfield School is and all the wonderful things that take place here.


Art lessons this term have been based on the rainforest. The children have thoroughly enjoyed creating bright mood boards and observational drawings which they have then used to create repeated patterns for fabric design.

Currently Reading - Term 5

In our daily read session, we are currently reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl.

Charlie Bucket lives on the outskirts of town with his poverty-stricken family: his parents and all four grandparents. Each day on his way to school, Charlie passes the best and biggest chocolate factory in the world, run by the secretive Willy Wonka. When Charlie's father loses his job, things go from bad to worse.

We have read The Great Chocoplot by Chris Callaghan in our daily read sessions.

It’s the end of chocolate – forever! At least, until Jelly can solve the mystery of the great chocoplot…

Jelly and her family live in Chompton-on-de-Lyte, where everyone loves a Chocablocka bar or two – so when the end of chocolate is announced, she can’t believe it.

Determined to investigate, Jelly and her gran follow a trail of clues to a posh chocolate shop and its owner, the pompous Garibaldi Chocolati. Gari’s suspiciously smug, despite his failing business and yucky chocolate.

Is it really the chocopocalypse, or is there a chocoplot afoot?

Term 3 & 4 - Tomb Raiders

This term we are learning about the Egyptians. 

During our hook day, the children became experts at all things Egyptian! They solved hieroglyphic messages, made papyrus paper, mummified apples and much more! 


During our topic lesson, we wrote instructions on how to mummify an apple based on the steps we took during our hook day. 

In English, we have been looking closely at narratives with a particular focus on quests. The children then wrote their own quest narrative based on the model text from Marcy and the Riddle of the Sphinx.

Currently Reading - Term 3

In our daily read session, we are currently reading Flat Stanley - The Great Egyptian Grave Robbery

About the book...

Ever since Stanley was flattened by a bulletin board, there are places he can get to that no one else can. So when Stanley receives a letter from an archaeologist, he travels by airmail to Egypt to help find an ancient treasure deep in the heart of a great pyramid. But what if even the flattest boy on Earth can't wriggle out of this dark tomb--and the terrible mess he finds himself in?


Term 1 & 2 - Technology Through Time 

 In English, the children have been working towards writing a narrative based on the book The Invention of Hugo Cabret. Here are some examples of our short burst writing:



Currently Reading Term 1

In our daily read session, we are currently reading The Iron Man by Ted Hughes.           

Ted Hughes’s strange, compelling, fairy-tale adventure feels more relevant today than it ever has. This new edition is illustrated by Chris Mould and his Iron Man is spectacular – huge, awe-inspiring, but also vulnerable and expressive. Mould captures all the humour of Hughes’s story as well as the mystery, and he is equal to the big themes the story presents, creating unforgettable images for this unforgettable fable.           


About the book... 

The Iron Man came to the top of the cliff.  Where had he come from? Nobody knows. How was he made? Nobody knows.

Mankind must put a stop to the dreadful destruction by the Iron Man and set a trap for him, but he cannot be kept down. Then, when a terrible monster from outer space threatens to lay waste to the planet, it is the Iron Man who finds a way to save the world. 

Roald Dahl Day 

 In year 3 and 4, we celebrated Roald Dahl day by diving into the delicious world of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. We took inspiration from the inventive Mr Willy Wonka and set the children the challenge of designing a new 'sweet treat' such as hot ice cream to keep you warm on a winter’s day. The children impressed us with their imagination and creativity.

We completed lots of arts and crafts activities too. The children created mix media collages of Willy Wonka and perfected their water colour and sketching skills on their favourite Roald Dahl characters.